Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So it's complete and my post is delayed... Not surprising, eh?

And it begins... the beginning of the end so to speak. I feel like there should be an Erasure song playing in the distance as I write this, but alas, this post will have to earn A Little Respect on its own. While I was not able to cast the yoke of the nerd off completely, I did what I could.

[The wallpaper with the Storm Troopers raising the Imperial Flag stays.]

Oops... the last of the cables peeks into the photo from the top drawer. It is, in fact, a squid power bar. For those of you not in the know, the squid is the future of power bars.... i.e. the nerdiest possible power source on the market. In the user guide (user guide for a power bar, I know, ridiculous) it actually suggests bringing the squid to the airport with you to share airport outlet space amongst other laptop owners. Thus earning yourself copious amounts of nerd cred and a precious opportunity to flirt with girls who don't have any desire to talk to you.

[I assure you this bed is more heavy, and less regal than it looks.]

So my friend told me the bedspread looked a little too fancy. Or was it prissy? Either way it was a flame, and she is a girl who's opinion I value for two reasons. First and foremost she has absolutely no interest in me, so I know her insights to be unobstructed by what those "Twilight" fans amongst you might call feelings. And second, although she hasn't picked up on this yet, she is essentially the female equivalent of me and often speaks the words I am thinking. But despair not dear readers, I know better than to ever let her know how spot on her assessments are. Somehow that sounds sappy even though it's a slight... Anyway... like I said, I'm in the market for a new bead spread.

[My Personal Trainer Cert. and one of the stylish dressers with a marble top.]

Why yes, I am showing off. Thank you for not letting my obvious self aggrandizing go unnoticed. Did I mention I can read the numbers on that clock from 2.3 nautical miles away? Blam!

[The headboard is what sold me. The numerous pillows were just icing on the cake.]

Call me old fashioned, but a brand new Chinese pressing of the sort of hand craftsmanship our grandparents might have appreciated in the 40's just rings Americana in my ears. The .05 seconds it took a huge pollution creating machine to stamp that pattern into a piece of plywood hearkens back to the days when these sort of things were carved out of solid oak over a period of years, by hand. Lesson for the day: It's cheaper to create this 500 lb. piece of furniture in China and ship it to the U.S. than it is to make it here. This either means Americans are outrageously awesome or fantastically stupid, I can't figure it out... but I assume it's both.

[The light at the end of the tunnel.]
This lamp is from the house I moved into in 2nd grade. If you want a truly mind bending experience do this: find a lamp from your youth and plug it in at your new house. Each lamp, no matter where they are from, what bulb they use, or how old they are, casts light in a unique fashion. It's like a sort of fingerprint really. Plugging this lamp in for the first time took me immediately back 25 years, to a place I hadn't been since grade school. It sounds silly, but when I plugged in this simple light in, I felt 20 years of life drop right off of my shoulders and I kid you not, I wanted to put on my spider man pj's and dance.
If you are a parent and want to do something uniquely special for you child, hang on to their childhood lamp when they "outgrow" it, or leave for college or whatever, and then give it back to them when they are 30+. Maybe at a time when they really need to escape the present.

[Less you think I was exaggerating.]

That's right non believers. That is the back of my beautiful head, standing all of my 6', next to the head board. It's about 5'9". i.e. - It's really, really heavy. The motley crue book is just to show I'm well read.

Now don't despair! Although this is the end of the Room Revamp saga, the blog will not die along with my geeky exterior. The next entry will chronicle my absurd winning streak at the local trivia night raffle.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wow.... My new furniture arrived yesterday, and I don't think I'm exaggerating to tell you I nearly died almost 6 times attempting to move it. The "mover" showed up and was 65 years old and chain-smoking, with the voice of a robot. He took one look at the packages, then one look at the stairs, and coughed out fifteen or so curses before hacking up an explanation of how I had to be on crack if I expected him to help move stuff.

[Into the abyss... 4 flights, broken down into 8 sets of 8 to 10 steps.]

[I paused for a breather about halfway up with the foot board.]

I wish I was in some of these pictures to show you the scale. But alas it was just me so the self portraits were tough. This is for a king size mattress though. So the foot board is over 6' long and was a bout 3.5 feet high.

[Ahh... the easy part.]

This was one of the dressers. Only 136lbs. each, which was considerably lighter than the foot board, but these were still pretty unwieldy.

[By this point I had gone delusional and thought the dresser was breaking in to rob me.]

[I feel like I look. Except much, much worse (better?).]

[So I've moved all the junk out of my bedroom... and now the main room looks like this.]

[But the bedroom is taking shape. It's clean anyway.]

[The first signs of progress!!!]

That's still my old desk, but it's all cleaned up and ready for use. I like having that extra little dresser under the desk because I can hide all the cords and other computer nonsense behind it. I have to thank H.D. for her sage-like wisdom in conjuring that idea. The most kick-ass whiskey bottle you will ever see sits between the monitors, in full samurai armour.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and carrying masses of Styrofoam and cardboard out to the dumpster. I hope to get most of the stuff set up today, and I'll try to get a picture on here once I do. Believe you me, when you see the size of the headboard you are going to be in awe. I'm pretty sure I over did it, but hey, it's a master bedroom... what's more important than the bed?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

This is the bed I decided on. This is going to either work real well or not at all. We won't know for sure until the end, but once the bed is in place, well that's when this decorating aventure will really get interesting.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What's the Opposite of Progress?

I don't know the word for it, but I've got a perfect example...

[Still living like a squatter.]

[But now I have this behemoth delivered to take up yet another room.]

[It's barely noticeable really.]
Now the obvious question is why don't I just put the giant mattress in my bedroom and sleep on it. And the obvious answer is this thing weighs about 500lbs. I carried it up the stairs (yes my stairs, the 5 flights of stairs) by myself and couldn't carry it another inch after that. So there it sits. Ready to disrupt my life until the frame is delivered. Which is the other reason I don't move it into my room yet. I'll just have to move it out again to set up the frame, and then back in. That's approximately 1000lbs of moving that I don't want to do.
So here we are, at an impasse... me not wanting to move the mattress, and the mattress not wanting to be moved. Who will win this stubborn battle of wits? Do I have the greater patience, or does the mattress? We may never know for sure.
But we do know for sure is that I am just now realizing that the bed frame, with two dressers, is arriving via UPS. I thought it was being delivered. But no... it's coming via UPS. Have you had the realization of why this is a monumental detail yet?
As I mentioned earlier, I live on the 5th floor. UPS delivers to the 1st floor.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Synthetic's Room Revamp Continued...

Well.... I'm not sure how this is possible, but I seem to actually be moving backward in my progression toward a civilized bedroom.

Not only is there a bunch of random junk all over the place now, but....

Now there is even more cable... But that's not even the worst part. This is the worst part is:

My new bed. What can I say, I like to live like a king. Anyway... this should be temporary. I'm ordering a new bed tomorrow. Hopefully it can be delivered in less than a month.
I'll post the one I am leaning toward tomorrow. Again I wish I had a before picture to show the filthy white carpet and streaked manila walls. Seeing that makes it look like I've at least done something other than pile junk in the room.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

*** Synthetic's Room Revamp ***

So, it has been a long laborous journey thus far in attempting to make my room look somewhat cool. When it began I had the most broke carpeting and walls you could imagine. There were stains everywhere and the carpet didn't even make it to the moulding. There were gaps where you could see down past the floorboards and in between the walls and the floor. Sadly I have no pictures of this, but I assure it was mad classy.
I began by replacing the carpet with a lush stain resistant product listed as being the colour "Pompador". I use the u in colour because a color like "Pompador" is so freaking stylish it deserves the u. The walls, which previously looked like someone damped and smeared newspapers all over them, were repainted in a dark grey. I believe it was some derivative of "Slate".

[Seen here with copious amounts of nerdly ethernet cabling.]

After those two bold steps toward pimping my pad, I got lazy and moved all my nerd stuff back into the room. i.e. - I have 6 computers in some state of working/being worked on in my place, and most are in my bedroom.

[I'd say it looks less nerdy irl, but after typing irl in a sentence who'd believe me?]

[This piece of furniture was given to me by my parents when we moved to our new house. I was in 2nd Grade... I kid you not. ]

[The euporic view from my bed. Why yes ladies, that is a Dell XPS on the floor. *swoon*]

So the next step is for me to add photos of some of the items I am thinking about purchasing for my room. Then I will start sharing this blog with people whose opinion I value *cough* so that they can advise me on what they think will make this room look less like the abode of tech's uber-geek. I realize it's an uphill battle, but I thank you for your comments and assistance in advance.